Page 94 - updated on July
P. 94
Yu Jihui: “A Stinking Old Ninth – A Tale of the Coal Capital” (updated on July 2020)
You are the hope of the Chinese revolution. This
young man is from a university of revisionist
education. He has had revisionist education for many
years. He has his mind stuffed with personal fame
and gain. That’s capitalist and feudalist desire. That
must be denounced. You study Chinese with him.
But at same time you must pay attention to what he’ll
say and what he’ll do. Once you find he says
anything and does anything improper, denounce him
at once…”
Chairman Mao’s quotation event was a lesson to
me. I could never forget it. The students were just a
group of scoundrels. They were the local ruffians.
But they were not ordinary hoodlums. They knew
how cope with teachers. They knew how to make fun
of teachers. They knew how to hold on to a teacher’s
mistake and then denounce them. I needed to be
careful with what I said. In class, the students never