Page 105 - updated on July
P. 105
Yu Jihui: “A Stinking Old Ninth – A Tale of the Coal Capital” (updated on July 2020)
office and put on the ground, close to the door. I
happened to rush into the office and kick the basket
over, breaking all the eggs. I was stupefied and kept
apologizing for my rudeness. I guaranteed to pay for
She laughed and said, “That’s nothing! That’s
nothing! You don’t have to pay!” She cleaned the
floor and went back to her seat to prepare her lessons,
as if nothing had happened. I felt guilty and decided
to pay. So, when school was over, I went to the
market and bought one kilogram of eggs with my
ticket (at that time everything needed a ticket. To buy
meat, you had to have a meat ticket. To buy eggs,
you had to have an egg ticket. All nutritional food
was rationed). Then I went to look for her home. Her
home was in the coal worker’s area. I asked the
residents for her address as I walked along. They
watched me with suspicious eyes. I was a Da Guang