Page 86 - updated on July
P. 86
Yu Jihui: “A Stinking Old Ninth – A Tale of the Coal Capital” (updated on July 2020)
watch on to the ground if I had had one in my hand.
I’m very loyal to Chairman Mao. I am willing to
follow Chairman Mao and to be a part of the
revolution all my life.” I bared my heart again and
again. I was terribly frightened. It was a time when
everybody had to be very careful with his tongue and
what he did. If anyone spoke one word out of place
or did even one improper thing, they would get into
trouble, let alone such a crime as throwing
Chairman’s book on the ground. Chairman Mao was
regarded as the greatest leader, the savior of the
Chinese people, and the Red Sun in Chinese people’s
hearts. If anybody said anything against him or did
anything against him, he could be immediately
thrown into prison. If I was testified to be throwing
Chairman Mao’s book on to the ground deliberately,
that would be the end of me. I would immediately be
labelled as a counter-revolutionary. I could be