Page 5 - updated on July
P. 5

Yu Jihui: “A Stinking Old Ninth – A Tale of the Coal Capital” (updated on July 2020)

               languages department to major in English. Our class

               was small. There were only twenty students.

                       The students in our class were mostly around 18

               or 19 years old. But I was already 21 - two or three

               years older than my classmates. They  humorously

               called me Lao Da Ge (old elder brother). I was older

               than my classmates not because I had gone to school

               late, but because I played professional basketball for

               two years. In 1962, I quit the basketball team, took

               the national  university entrance examination and

               satisfactorily became a university student. I was very

               happy and proud of myself to be a university student.

               A university  was the first  step  on the ladder to an

               iron rice bowl; once admitted  by a university, the

               students were guaranteed to have jobs. That’s one of

               the benefits  of socialism. The length  of schooling

               was four years, so I should have graduated in August

               1966. During the four years, every day I would look

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